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“Because of the relationship we have developed while building my house I feel compelled to write this letter of endorsement so that people who are lucky enough to be in a position to build, find a Contractor who is knowledgeable, fair, honest, and reasonable….  Beaver Builders in our case delivered a house that exceeded our dreams….  The promise that Donny made seven years ago he held himself to…. “


Lloyd S.

“I appreciate your assistance, and the assistance of your kind staff in helping us acquire our dream house in one of the nicest areas that we visited.  You all were professional, honest and sincere with my wife and I….  The quality of craftsmanship was evident the minute we walked into the house.”


Bill B.

“A Certificate of Achievement for building a house of grand satisfaction is gratefully awarded to Donny Mack and Crew…”


David W.

“Donny you should build a bunch of homes like ours – we sold the house you built in one day by ourselves and have received calls continually wanting us to call them back if it falls through!   It was interesting all the people looking were those folks in the BIG houses downs Wichita Trail looking to downsize on a nice lot! the inspector for the buyer said if ALL houses were built this good, his job would be easy!!!“


Brenda S.

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